Why is Empire the "best" of the holy trinity?

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Postby spudthedestroyer on Sat Jun 19, 2004 3:59 pm

greedo shooting first is what we refer to as "pulling a George". Only one person in existance could be that tasteless and out of touch... :lol:

Its better than Han just shoots the nonce :lol:
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Postby dinky on Sat Jun 19, 2004 5:45 pm


ok. someone really</i> needs to standardize the english language again.

pretend you're explaining that to a drunk git. no. don't pretend. :mrgreen:

(that's right! I'm using it again! :eatthis: )
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Postby mw2merc on Sat Jun 19, 2004 7:59 pm

O.G.N.A.N.O. wrote:I loooooooooooooovvvvvvvveeeeeeee EWOKS !!!! :P

Thank god the ewoks saved the trilogy !!! They easily out-acted Mark hamill....

I don't think he's being sarcastic. He's just nauseously addicted to Ewoks. :o

dinky wrote:ps - speeders were cool, scouts looked great too - better than snowtroopers

True, but that doesn't mean RotJ is better. :?

spudthedestroyer wrote:I've heard it quoted over and over that George Lucas' power is really in the edit, if he edited Empire, then he truely deserves his fame despite any shit he's pulled of late.

Many people HATE the SE versions for their CG updates, but I think Empire included the best, like the extended Falcon landing at Cloud City & new windows that show activity outside. IMHO, 100x better w/ those edits. :D

Jynks wrote:I think mw2merc quote and spuds points on film technique have nailed has it. and I would mainly be restating what has already been said. The ammount of stuff happening in empires and the quality of the scriptinig editing/direction is miles in front of the other 4 flicks.

Thanks, good to hear. Yeah, the other 2 don't even add up to the HUGE story that tESB is, global scale of being EPIC, and linking the other 2 into a trilogy. :twisted:

Talking about Irvin Kershner he had to fight all the time for creative control of the project and it was lucus experience with him that made him move into the habit of hiring crap directors that he could controle utterly.

Thanks George. :evil:

dinky wrote:one question though: why is Greedo shooting first a bad idea? I mean, if he can't hit Han when he shoots first, what chance does he have shooting second?

OMFG!!! The whole point is that Han didn't give Greedo the chance to :matrix: him. Han took out the trash. :mrgreen: If Greedo was smart, he would've stunned Han, then Chewie, and take them back to Jabba for the bounty. But no, he was a "greedy" MOFO (pun intended), and paid for it with his life. :twisted:

dinky wrote:ok. someone really</i> needs to standardize the english language again.

(that's right! I'm using it again! :eatthis: )

Which English? Queen's or American? Using what???

Well, like some here, I'm old enough that I DID see all 3 movies in the theater. I don't remember seeing ANH, but my sister does & said I did. I do remember seeing tESB. What I remember MOST was coming out the back of the theater jumping up and down yelling. That was the ONLY movie that EVER moved me THAT much. Now seeing RotJ was good, but nothing I was over joyed about. It was great to see, don't get me wrong.

PS - Due to the success of the SW Trilogy is why we now see TOO MANY movies purposely set as a triolgy. :evil: Anyone who says 'Movies are best as a trilogy' should be :matrix: . Now movies that happen to have 2 sequels, that's different. Star Wars, Back to the Future, Indiana Jones, & The Matrix are really the only Trilogies I care to watch. :mrgreen:

PPS - Anyone else hate all these fucking stupid ass remakes? Both the 'updated for our time' BS and the 'balckized' versions? ie 'Stepford Wives' (remake) & 'Soul Plane' (blackized 'Airplne'). :-o :-o :-o
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Postby mw2merc on Sat Jun 19, 2004 8:34 pm

Oh yeah, don't forget quotes like:

Dak: Right now I feel like I could take on the whole Empire myself!

Han Solo: Afraid I was gonna leave without giving you a goodbye kiss?
Princess Leia Organa: I'd just as soon kiss a Wookiee!
Han Solo: I can arrange that! You could use a good kiss!

Leia: Why, you stuck up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf-herder!
Han Solo: Who's scruffy-looking?

Ben (Obi-wan) Kenobi: Luke, don't give into hate. That leads to the dark side.
His warning to Luke about Anakin/Vader.

C-3PO: Sir, the possibility of successfully navigating an asteroid field is approximately 3,720 to 1!
Han: Never tell me the odds!

Emperor: The son of Skywalker must not become a Jedi.
Darth Vader: If he could be turned, he would be a powerful ally.
Emperor: Yes. Yes. He would be a great asset. Can it be done?
Darth Vader: He will join us or die, my master.

Princess Leia Organa: You make things so difficult sometimes.
Han Solo: I do, I really do. You could be a little nicer, though. Admit it, sometimes you think I'm all right.
Princess Leia Organa: Occasionally, maybe. When you aren't acting like a scoundrel.
Han Solo: "Scoundrel"? Scoundrel! I like the sound of that.

Princess Leia: Let go.
Han Solo: Shh.
Princess Leia: Let go, please.
Han Solo: Don't get excited!
Princess Leia: Captain, being held by you isn't quite enough to get me excited.
Han Solo: Sorry sweetheart. I haven't got time for anything else.

Luke Skywalker: I can't. It's too big.
Yoda: Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Force around you; between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere. Yes, even between the land and the ship.

Han Solo: Well Princess, it looks like you managed to keep me here a while longer.
Princess Leia Organa: I had nothing to do with it. General Rieekan thinks it's dangerous for anyone to leave the system until they've activated the energy shield.
Han Solo: That's a good story. I think you just can't bear to let a gorgeous guy like me out of your sight.
Princess Leia Organa: I don't know where you get you delusions, laser brain!
[Chewbacca laughs]
Han Solo: Laugh it up, fuzzball!

Darth Vader: The force is with you young Skywalker, but you are not a Jedi yet.

Han Solo: Oh! And I thought they smelled bad, ... on the *outside*!

Luke Skywalker: Alright, I'll give it a try.
Yoda: No! Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try.
[Using the Force, Yoda effortlessly frees the X-Wing from the bog.]
Luke Skywalker: I don't believe it.
Yoda: That is why you fail.

Darth Vader: Impressive. Most impressive. Obi-wan has taught you well. You have controlled your fear. Now, release your anger! Only your hatred can destroy me!

Darth Vader: There is no escape. Don't make me destroy you. [pauses] Luke, you do not yet realize your importance. You have only begun to discover your power. Join me, and I will complete your training. With our combined strength, we can end this destructive conflict and bring order to the galaxy.
Luke Skywalker: I'll never join you!
Darth Vader: If you only knew the *power* of the dark side. Obi-wan never told you what happened to your father.
Luke Skywalker: He told me enough! He told me *you* killed him.
Darth Vader: No. *I* ... am your father.
Luke Skywalker: No! No! That's not TRUE! That's IMPOSSIBLE!!!
Darth Vader: Search your feelings. You know it to be true.
Luke Skywalker: NOOOO!!!! NOOOO!!!!
Darth Vader: Luke, you can destroy the Emperor. He has forseen this. it IS your destiny. Join me and together we can rule the galaxy together, as father and son. ..... Come with me. It is the only way.
[Luke looks down, let's go, and falls]

Han Solo: You said you wanted to be around when I made a mistake, well, this could be it, sweetheart.
Princess Leia: I take it back.

Darth Vader: Your destiny lies with me Skywalker. Obi-Wan knew this to be true.

Darth Vader: There will be a substantial reward for the one who finds the Millennium Falcon. You are free to use any methods necessary, but I want them alive. No disintegrations.
Boba Fett: As you wish.

Princess Leia: What are you doing? You're not actually going *into* an asteroid field?
Han Solo: They'd be crazy to follow us, wouldn't they?

[Amid the violence of colliding asteroids]
Princess Leia: [to Han Solo] You don't have to do this to impress me.

[The Millennium Falcon, under siege, won't start]
Princess Leia Organa: Would it help if I got out and pushed?
Han Solo: It might.

Darth Vader: Luke.
Luke Skywalker: Father.
Darth Vader: Son, come with me.
Luke Skywalker: Ben. Why didn't you tell me?

And by far the scariest quote from ALL the movies:
Luke Skywalker: I won't fail you. I'm not afraid.
Yoda: You will be. You will be.
Anyone else think Yoda sounded psychotic?

The quote I use everytime my roomie & I go somewhere in his truck is:
Me: Punch it Chewie!
Him: Growl!
(he actually does a great Chewie impression)
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Postby Jynks on Sun Jun 20, 2004 1:09 am

How can you not mention:

Try not, do or do not.... there is no try!

Thats empires and i had it written down as the 2nd quote.

Can you guys see my point.... go read these quotes and see whithc ones come from wat movie.
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Postby Stinky on Sun Jun 20, 2004 1:47 am

I backup mw2merc 100%

mw2merc said:
What I remember MOST was coming out the back of the theater jumping up and down yelling.

I vividly remember a theater of people jumping up and cheering during ANH.

I am one of the folks old enough to have seen all 3 in the theaters. Also something that the post-Star Wars generation(s) may not be aware is the effect of these shows had on the culture of the time. Now, I was in Grade 1 when ANH came out and, literally, it was the ONLY game in town there was nothing by which you could even compare. (I'm not even talking about the movie. Just the marketing Behemoth that went behind it. Every boy I in my grade knew what they wanted every birthday and Christmas and it said "Star Wars" on it.) The teachers in our school got so sick of Star Wars because every art assigment would be a drawing of R2 and some Jawas. Every creative writing assigment would be about luke kicking Vader's ass. They banned star wars assignments.

Battlestar Galactica was a dim vision for the future. The only sci-fi was old star trek repeats and the weird (for a kid) sci-fi of Dr. Who, Planet of the apes or Logans Run and Zardoz. Watch Logans Run (The special effects oscar winner for the year before ANH) Followed by ANH and you will feel the pages of history turning.

Umm... :oops: I just realized this has nothing to do with ESB but oh well...

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Postby dinky on Sun Jun 20, 2004 2:02 am

your name is far too similar to mine to remain on topic for long. :P
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Postby mw2merc on Sun Jun 20, 2004 8:40 am

Stinky wrote:I backup mw2merc 100%

Thanks! :twisted: :mrgreen:

Stinky wrote:Now, I was in Grade 1 when ANH came out and, literally, it was the ONLY game in town there was nothing by which you could even compare. (I'm not even talking about the movie. Just the marketing Behemoth that went behind it. Every boy I in my grade knew what they wanted every birthday and Christmas and it said "Star Wars" on it.)

I was also in 1st grade when ANH first came out. For BDay & XMas, it either had to be SW toys, LEGOs, or Atari games. I had great relatives who knew what the good stuff was. Especially my Aunt & Uncle (RIP). They ALWAYS got me several good things for BDay/XMas. I ALWAYS looked forward to their gifts since I really got 2x the gifts being an XMas Eve baby.

Stinky wrote:Battlestar Galactica was a dim vision for the future. The only sci-fi was old star trek repeats and the weird (for a kid) sci-fi of Dr. Who, Planet of the apes or Logans Run and Zardoz.

I loved BSG as a kid. Never got much into Dr Who mostly cause it was on at an odd time & was on Saturdays only. :? Still love the PotA movies (Not including the remake 'Marky Mark & the Monkey Bunch'). I also remember loving Logan's Run. Was right up my alley as I like the Appocolyptic movies. :twisted:

Not to mention 'Damnation Alley'!!! I loved that vehicle. It's right off the 101 between the 405 & 110 I think. On the S side. It's in an old Universal parking lot I believe. Anyways, if I get the chance I'll take a picture of it & UL it. :twisted:

PS - Empire Rules! :lol:
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Postby bobbystills on Sun Jun 20, 2004 6:59 pm

empire looks the best of them all.
and also begins and ends the best of them all.

btw a little off topic but does anyone have any info on what that robot lookin thing was that killed all thoes jedi in the final chapter of the the clone wars????
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Sun Jun 20, 2004 7:54 pm

yes, you mean General Grievous? Some awesome designs by Warren Fu for that dude.

I got a magazine with lots of info and movie screenshots of the dude, but I have no scanner. You can learn all about him in the Clone Wars cartoons, where he's been introduced. BTW. Bobba Fett was the other character to be introduced in the same way for info junkies :)
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