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Postby mw2merc on Fri May 07, 2004 6:42 pm

PC is always the best choice when it comes to games. I have RE 2 & 3 on PC. Also have RE 1 DC for PSX. I have yet to try other console games like Code Veronica etc...

Funny thing about Outbreak is, I'd been discussing the idea w/ several friends about the idea of a MMOFPS based on RE for probably 2+ years before I first heard about one being made. I got so pissed. :twisted: In part because it was going to be PS2 only. More game sales crap.
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Fri May 07, 2004 7:31 pm

mw2merc wrote:PC is always the best choice when it comes to games. I have RE 2 & 3 on PC. Also have RE 1 DC for PSX. I have yet to try other console games like Code Veronica etc..

Hehe, we've had this discussion over at hhah @ nausea. I'm a strong adovacate of "design to utilise the best platform and port" if you want to get the most out of the game, which of course is nearly always the pc. Dues Ex 2 is what you get if you design for an underpowered machine, which although not terrible, was a mere shadow of what it could have been.

Oh I would recommend checking out Resident Evil: Remake for the GCN if you ever get the chance. Its the best RE game (storywise) remade with the best control system and graphics so far. RE4 looks brilliant though.

Anyway, there's several threads about it, but here's the one on RE4:
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Fri May 07, 2004 10:04 pm

a hardened horror fan like me

he says very modestly :lol:

know if RE:Outbreak is coming to PC?

Don't think so, PS2 exclusive

pc isnt included in all the "exclusive" crap that console games go through but i do agree the control system of re isnt well suited to pc unless i suppose you have one of those ps2/pc pad convertors

Funny thing about Outbreak is, I'd been discussing the idea w/ several friends about the idea of a MMOFPS based on RE for probably 2+ years before I first heard about one being made. I got so pissed.

so did i with a few of my friends way back when resident evil 2 first came out hehe which would be oooh.... over 5 years now so u mustve all stolen the idea off me :P
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Fri May 07, 2004 11:49 pm

those ps2/pc pad convertors

/me has his gamecube pad plugged in :)

Whilst on the subject of RE: online, either of you play the co-operative multiplayer mod for HL. The Resident Evil/Zombie level on that was cool :)
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Fri May 07, 2004 11:53 pm

cant say i have, during the times i played HL i only had 56k dial up, havent played hl since getting BB and a decent gfx card/new monitor/decent computer
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Sat May 08, 2004 1:03 am

net gaming sucks most of the time... I'm talking about lan gaming baby (and by that, I of course mean my repulsive uglier-that-a-klingon but not quite Shatner-esque friend [by which I mean I regard you as "someone I have met"] :wacky:)!

Best... multiplayer option... ever :)
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Sat May 08, 2004 1:42 am

"someone I have met"

ah a well used rimmerism 8) if im not mistaken
(and by that, I of course mean my repulsive uglier-that-a-klingon but not quite Shatner-esque friend

thats not a very nice way to talk about lan gaming spud, just coz u wish i was your baby :lol:

lan gaming is fun, especially playing Desert combat with friends (which can see some incredible rascism thrown at the game) lol

also theres nothing quite as much fun as playing a co-op delta force 3 game.... and then accidently shooting your team mate in the face, or turning off allied fire and just standing there emptying clip after clip into each others guts, tehn getting bored and running off to frag some turbine wearing mutha fuckas EEHEE shamoun

so spud what games do u play lan/wan? might have to go head2head or co-op or something sometime, or start a hhah-sfhah clan (sfhah - science fiction has a home :D )
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Sat May 08, 2004 2:09 am

maxpayne2409 wrote:
(and by that, I of course mean my repulsive uglier-that-a-klingon but not quite Shatner-esque friend

thats not a very nice way to talk about lan gaming spud, just coz u wish i was your baby :lol: )

There must be some Freudian hidden meaning behind you changing the sentance around to make it look like I was actually dissing LAN gaming and calling you baby... but that would be just deep and disturbing. :lol:

Battlefield 1942 and now Vietnam get a lot of playtime round here. We used to play Delta force but it wasn't too popular.

No one has much time at the moment though, which sucks. Exams, coursework, and working suck terribly.

The best games have been Age of Empires 2. Still the "longest" runner in all respects. Games can last for a few days, normally co-op on vs staggering amounts of ai on very hard, otherwise its no fun. Age of mythology didn't really go down well.

Rogue Spear is a top game to play, terrorist hunt with each player having a squad of men to get their asses blown up.

Alien vs Predator 2 Xcoop mod got a good play, but being a mod its highly buggy, but still super freaky being marines in co-op with the motion tracker making the patented... blip........ blip...... .blip. .blip.. blip. machine gun fire! These games have been developed so badly, the atmosphere in single player in the first one is great, but the multiplayer in both have been terrible. The whole second one is very unimpressive.

Sticking with the mod theme, next up is GTA:VC. That's damn cool over a network, normally degenerates to motorbike dueling until someone cheats and piles over people with a lorry before someone runs and gets the attack helicopter and pulverises everything. Can't wait for the next installment of gta, they have no excuse not to implement a multiplayer now that they have been proven wrong about it being too difficult.

Serious Sam 2 had a couple of runs, that's good for a chuckle. Way back in the day I managed to get Quake Soccer working which still remains my favourite sports game :lol: and we played some of my Duke Nuke 'em levels in multiplayer.

Deathmatches don't go down well due to the number of players (too few most of the time really). For a good deathmatch you need perhaps 8, but even better 16 imo. The problem is people's abilities in games vary pretty largely and the scoreboard pretty much always comes out the same which gets very boring for all. Co-op goes down much better, building bases and forming tactics increases enjoyability tenfold

I love action adventure games, and would kill for a multiplayer zelda on the pc (there used to be something called graal-online which was a rip off of zelda (snes) and a kind of adventure multiplayer thing that was quite fun, but it was no nintendo outing). They are making a step in the right direction though, there's a multiplayer zelda out for the gamecube in japan... can't wait for that :)

Speakling of which, I can't wait for the starwars type Battlefield 1942 that's out this xmas either. Although I am highly concerned that its being made for xbox at the same time (you infact get an xbox demo with the DVD box set this year). I'm eagerly awaiting HL2 later this year too... little details about the multiplayer have been revealed but you know its going to be beautiful and coolness of the cool. It really did spark a revolution in terms of online gameplay, I'm hoping it can bring things back to co-operative (cooperative in the sense that i'm referring to it, was brought about by ID software in doom [I hate this game, but I can't thank ID software enough])

I've posted over @ fh about my views on co-operative gameplay. If you can't find it (and you actually care) I'll probably be able to dig it out. It started as a thread about games to play over xmas... or co-operative games or something.

oh and the abbreivations are hhah and shah to match the database table names :)
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Sat May 08, 2004 2:38 am

Ah where to start after that mammoth post hehe

Battlefield 1942 and now Vietnam get a lot of playtime round here

theyre also popular here, 1942 more though as most my friends comptuers can run it better then vietnam (i swear theyve never heard the word upgrade hehe)

No one has much time at the moment though, which sucks. Exams, coursework, and working suck terribly.

ah that confirms my suspicions of you being a uni student :beerchug:

The best games have been Age of Empires 2. Still the "longest" runner in all respects. Games can last for a few days, normally co-op on vs staggering amounts of ai on very hard, otherwise its no fun. Age of mythology didn't really go down well

i so totally unbeleiveably agree, aoe2 was a great game followed with a nice expansion pack (the conquerors) and we had mucho fun with that (although game are still charging £30+ for aoe2+conquerors pack :o ), aom did pretty much suck, the titans added a little bit of life to it but not enough to stop it being banished to valhalla, these days Rise of Nations (and now thrones & patriots XPack) is mostly played now incredible fun if you havent got it get it, its the evolvement of AOE2, i regularly host server for it im sure i can squeeze u in somewhere)

Rogue Spear is a top game to play, terrorist hunt with each player having a squad of men to get their asses blown up.

never got into that game (bad memorys of PSX Rainbow six)

Alien vs Predator 2 Xcoop mod got a good play

i liked both sp modes in avp1 and 2 but never played it multiplayer, personally i didnt find any of it scary :o my mate jon did tho, scared him shitless lol

Sticking with the mod theme, next up is GTA:VC

havent tried that, i have to admit i still havent got round to buying the greatness that is GTA:VC on original (everytime i had the money it was sold out at the places i use :evil: ) but i too cant wait for october when gta san andreas comes out (unfortunately i expect mid 2005 for pc version :cry: )

Serious Sam 2 had a couple of runs, that's good for a chuckle

i enjoyed both those games, i found ss1 the most fun tho, ss2 just wasnt enough of a step up for me, it jsut felt more like an addon, few new weapons, few extra monsters and a few new maps, just didnt sit right with me, hoping ss3 will be good tho

Deathmatches don't go down well due to the number of players (too few most of the time really). For a good deathmatch you need perhaps 8, but even better 16 imo. The problem is people's abilities in games vary pretty largely and the scoreboard pretty much always comes out the same which gets very boring for all. Co-op goes down much better, building bases and forming tactics increases enjoyability tenfold

deathmatches dont go down that well here either, about teh only game deathmatches go down well on is the original UT, usually we dont like deathmatches because

1 - not enough people
2 - same ppl win
3 - when someone kills someone else over and over arguments start and ppl start getting pissed off at each other and whoever keeps winning starts getting accused of cheating etc

I love action adventure games

i cant think of any besides max payne (wonder why :D ) and zelda that fit this catergory, although im sure theres a lot that i like just cant think of them offhand, enlighten me

Speakling of which, I can't wait for the starwars type Battlefield 1942 that's out this xmas either

what what WHAT???? ive not heard anything about this, got any links for screenies etc that i can check?

eagerly awaiting HL2 later this year too.

really??? first ive heard you mention of it :lol: :lol: :lol:

I've posted over @ fh about my views on co-operative gameplay. If you can't find it (and you actually care) I'll probably be able to dig it out. It started as a thread about games to play over xmas... or co-operative games or something.

Link me up Martay :twisted:

ill let u know next time some RoN, BF gaming is gonna take place (ill have to remove my modded RoN files so u can join hehe, theyre not exactly politically correct :twisted:
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Postby John_Doe on Sat May 08, 2004 4:26 am

I'm afraid I did know it since you started using it

Nope. You're lying!

Maxpayne: Octopus released over at HHAH in case you didn't notice. And yes, the sequel will come next. =)
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Postby mw2merc on Sat May 08, 2004 5:56 am

spudthedestroyer wrote:Oh I would recommend checking out Resident Evil: Remake for the GCN if you ever get the chance. Its the best RE game (storywise) remade with the best control system and graphics so far.

Yeah, the one with 2 new weapons, 1 per character, & monsters in slightly different locations so HARDCORE players who know where everything is, isn't?

maxpayne2409 wrote:pc isnt included in all the "exclusive" crap that console games go through but i do agree the control system of re isnt well suited to pc unless i suppose you have one of those ps2/pc pad convertors

Who needs a console controller w/ one of the many PROGRAMABLE control pads that've been out over the last 10+ years. I have a MS SideWinder Pad & MS SW Pro Joystick. Both have served me well in games.

maxpayne2409 wrote:so did i with a few of my friends way back when resident evil 2 first came out hehe which would be oooh.... over 5 years now so u mustve all stolen the idea off me :P

You only wish! ;p Get in line for saying our ideas were stolen.

spudthedestroyer wrote:/me has his gamecube pad plugged in :)

What the hell for??? Get a real gamepad. ;p

spudthedestroyer wrote:Whilst on the subject of RE: online, either of you play the co-operative multiplayer mod for HL. The Resident Evil/Zombie level on that was cool :)

You mean Resident Evil: The Escape (Single Player/Cooperative Mods)? Nope, been like 3 years since I played HL. Used to play that when I got home from school w/ my 2 roomies. Funniest thing was, it'd relieve my stress & add it to my 2 roomates. ;)

maxpayne2409 wrote:lan gaming is fun, especially playing Desert combat with friends (which can see some incredible rascism thrown at the game) lol
so spud what games do u play lan/wan? might have to go head2head or co-op or something sometime, or start a hhah-sfhah clan (sfhah - science fiction has a home :D )

Ooh yeah! Let's get it on!!! ;) BF1942: Desert Combat & RtCW: Enemy Territory are very fun. Bad thing is my system isn't up to spec for those. Maybe we can set up HL RE: tE?

Reguarding AvP, I loved both. Never finished 2 or the addon, but 1 was so cool & MP action was fun. Except when one person did the Predator/Cloak/1 hit disk kill over & over. If you played AvP with the lights off & were really into it, it was a bit scarry. Reminded me of the first time I saw Alien as a kid on a late Sat night by myself. I think I made it worse by turning off the lights & wrapping a blanket around me trying to hide.

Reguarding GTA3, it just gets soo friggin' monotonous so quick. I barely got maybe 1/4 - 1/2 through before I got real real sick of it.

Reguarding UT1, SS2, AoE2, & AoM, Never played them.

Reguarding the Tom Clancy games, I've barely tried a couple of them. Not bad, but never got into them.

At school we played Quake3 to death. I didn't want to play it at first, but since my buddy thought I was wimping out, I joined in just to spear him all over the board. I quickly climbed up to the #2 spot in the school. Maybe around 20-40 people.

I too await HL2. ;)
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Postby John_Doe on Sat May 08, 2004 8:35 am

oh no. not another FPS thread. :?
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Sat May 08, 2004 12:08 pm

Yeah, the one with 2 new weapons, 1 per character, & monsters in slightly different locations so HARDCORE players who know where everything is, isn't?

thats resident evil: directors cut for psx

I have a MS SideWinder Pad & MS SW Pro Joystick. Both have served me well in games.

i have a sidewinder joystick (got ti for free off a mate for doing him a copy of ms fs2004) i havent usedit much to be honest lol

You only wish! ;p Get in line for saying our ideas were stolen.

i was going to say that, you mustve stolen that idea off me too :lol:

Ooh yeah! Let's get it on!!! BF1942: Desert Combat & RtCW: Enemy Territory are very fun. Bad thing is my system isn't up to spec for those

i dont have rtcw enemy territory :P... and upgrade made hehe, but ive got DC installed :) along with farcry *beats spud back*, RoN, bf1942+swoww2, and...*mumbles* singles - flirt up your life *COUGH*

Reguarding UT1, SS2, AoE2, & AoM, Never played them

UT1 - old hat now
SS2 - get ss1 instead
AoE2 - get it and conquerors expansion (anyone know if these work on xp tho?)
AoM - probably best you dont

GET RISE OF NATIONS though coz it rocks

Reguarding GTA3, it just gets soo friggin' monotonous so quick. I barely got maybe 1/4 - 1/2 through before I got real real sick of it.

technically no1 mentions gta 3 but i agree gta3 was shit, i never got very far in it either because it got boring and monotonous as you said, vice city on the other hand is much more involving, you hear your character and theres some sort of storyline, professional actors (ray liotta plays the main guy, even jenna jamesons in there as Candy Suxx - porn star and burt reynolds is her director, gary busey, dennis hopper et al are all in there), and of course its set in the best decade ever the glorious time that has a fond place in me called the 80S

Maxpayne: Octopus released over at HHAH in case you didn't notice. And yes, the sequel will come next. =)

ta mate :) trust u to release it just as im powersharing/releasing aswell :P but ill grab it for later

oh no. not another FPS thread

AoM, AoE2, RoN, RE, not fps :P
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Postby mw2merc on Sun May 09, 2004 8:09 pm

maxpayne2409 wrote:thats resident evil: directors cut for psx

Actually, RE for the GC.

maxpayne2409 wrote:i was going to say that, you mustve stolen that idea off me too :lol:

Sha, right! As if!

maxpayne2409 wrote:i dont have rtcw enemy territory :P...

What? One of the best MP FPS that is also completely FREE!!! Go download it & try it, very coool game.

BTW, I personally prefer Stratagy games over FPS any day.
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Sun May 09, 2004 8:18 pm

maxpayne2409 wrote:
thats resident evil: directors cut for psx

Actually, RE for the GC

Actually it is also RE DC for psx aswell

maxpayne2409 wrote:
i dont have rtcw enemy territory ...

What? One of the best MP FPS that is also completely FREE!!! Go download it & try it, very coool game.

its free to play online? when rtcw came out i was still on 56k so multiplayer gaming was really a no go so ive not played rtcw since completeing it years ago lol

BTW, I personally prefer Stratagy games over FPS any day

so do i especially age of empires 2 or Rise of Nations (i presume u mean real time strategy games)
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Sun May 09, 2004 10:50 pm

To answer your question, RE on the GC is really very different, in most respects anyway. I was very surprised because i wasn't going to buy it (i got it on the PSX somewhere) but it was £10 :). Control system is now defence weapon based. If you get bit twice your dead, but you can taser, knife, grenade them if you have a defence weapon. The zombies drop to the ground and stay there, if you don't incinerate their corpses they come back to life as these uber bastards. The important rooms are the same, everything else either got the axe or has been redesigned. A huge section in the graveyard round the back of the mansion is added, another sub-story of a little girl that's been infected with the T-strain, had to be locked up and then escaped and massacre her parents is neat, infact its probably the best bit in the game. There's a huge underground section under the graveyard. The puzzles are a lot harder and nothing is in its original location. The graphics system is totally overhauled obviously. The control system isn't as clunky (although still not proper analogue). I dunno what your talking about new weapons? There's an entirely knew weapons system if that's what you mean? Which means when your attacked, you either use a defence weapon or you die... no gay ass 100 bites and your dead. It's changed enough for someone that waltz through the original a few times couldn't waltz through this one without going back to the "what the fuck next stage?".

Storyline and characters are the same, and with the central location the same, that about covers it in terms of similarity. Try play on it if you think your a hardcore player, might be good to get the feeling of getting lost again like the first time you played a RE game :)

In retrospect, RE: DC was identical to the first.

lmao @ get a real pad then talking about a sidewinder. That piece of shit is covered in dust in my cupboard :lol: :D

Quake III I can't stand what a f*ck up they made with that one in my opinion. It's just a crap version of unreal tournament. Quake2 was nice but the first one is still the best.

I completed all the AvPs, but I wish I hadn't bothered with the second and its addon. Man did they fuck that one up. The engine they used was terrible too.

Oh and GTA3 is crap, was a bad port too imo...sure it still beat the crap out of the console version but it had loads of bugs and just didn't feel right. VC rocks on the other hand, it plays much better. Although I don't really care for playing through the single player. Just bes round for an hour or so, or play a mod.
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Sun May 09, 2004 11:10 pm

i cant think of any besides max payne (wonder why ) and zelda that fit this catergory, although im sure theres a lot that i like just cant think of them offhand, enlighten me

Yeah there aren't that many, put I tend to play on older ones too. The Nomad Soul is one of my favourites and a I loved American McGee's Alice. There's a few lacklustre ones like Shadow Man (although I really like it for some reason. The one on the PSX is crap but the N64, Dreamcast and PC versions were much better). There's of course GTA3 and VC, and some ones I'm not found of likes of Hitman though. I'm a big zelda freak though so it levels out :lol:
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Sun May 09, 2004 11:43 pm

The graphics system is totally overhauled obviously

although for the followed remakes of re2, 3, CV they were only slightly upgraded not really overhauled as such, and they certainly put no where near as much effort into them as they did re1 remake which is a shame as RE2 is by far the best re game

Oh and GTA3 is crap, was a bad port too imo

to me it feels like it is the console version trying to be emulated on a pc, which would be bad as of course emulating uses more MHz then the originals etc, so emulating a ps2 would use a fair old amount too (system depending) not many pc's could handle it when ti was released, they got theyre act together for Vice City though, GTA3 and VC are like seeing the manky girl who just wants to get preggo so she can claim off the dole her whole life (gta3) and the hot stunning supermodel type who just wants you to ravish her until the end of time (vice city)

There's a few lacklustre ones like Shadow Man

lacklustre doesnt even *begin* to cover that abomination of a game, the story sounded ghood, then i played it on psx after a mate gave me it 2 days after he bought ti because he hated it so much, even for a free game i gave him it back coz i hated it so much
completed all the AvPs, but I wish I hadn't bothered with the second and its addon. Man did they fuck that one up. The engine they used was terrible too.

personally i enjoyed avp2 (well i played the marine missions anyway) i say enjoyed i mean it was ok, i say ok but i actually mean i had both eyes welded shut and then actually put on a michael jackson costume and walked into my local police station screaming "yay yay its school holidays"
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Mon May 10, 2004 12:00 am

although for the followed remakes of re2, 3, CV they were only slightly upgraded not really overhauled as such, and they certainly put no where near as much effort into them as they did re1 remake which is a shame as RE2 is by far the best re game

I wouldn't call them remakes at all, that's unfair. As far as I can tell they are direct ports. Nothing was changed and don't really deserve to be bought if you own them already. Its just the first one that was totally remade from scratch (PSX DC, was not remade from scratch and hence why its almost identical).

As for by far the best RE game comment. We had the conversation about RE in that thread @ HHAH, so you'll know I think the first was so i'm happy :) The second was a bit more action oriented though, if they hadn't totally remade the first, the second would be more suited to a remake as it has a better replay value. But luckily they gave the first full treatment... hooray! :) They should have done them all but Capcom are cheapskates.

lacklustre doesnt even *begin* to cover that abomination of a game, the story sounded ghood, then i played it on psx after a mate gave me it 2 days after he bought ti because he hated it so much, even for a free game i gave him it back coz i hated it so much

Read my post, I pointed out that the PSX version was f*cking terrible :lol: They f*cked that up so badly, its almost inconceivable that the same game is infinitely better on the PC, dreamcast and N64 :o Control scheme was terrible on the PSX, graphics were crap, it was buggy as hell... I think they made it for the N64 and then got some chimps to port it to the PSX. Then seeing their mistake, the same company made it for the PC. Then when the dreamcast arrived, made it for that too. I completed the n64 version, gets much better after the prison riot. Levels become more elaborate, weapons become better, more blood and weirdness, art work is brilliant too. The Asylum and nusery stages rule. I should reiterate that the PSX version is terrible and I was not referring to that at all. :lol:

And AVP2 I though was shit, it was a total waste of time playing it for me (don't know why I bothered to complete it actually) Chest bursting and the like is cool, but it was just crappy compared to what it should have been, and doesn't deserve much attention.
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Mon May 10, 2004 12:05 am

I guess this isn't really a site development thread anymore
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